Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm not backing down by Harry Reid

Dear Taxpayer,

The other day, I said that I’d been told by a very credible source that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for ten years. Governor Romney got upset. But, you know what? I’m not backing down.

I’m not backing down because, when you run for President, you should be an open book. I’m not backing down because Mitt Romney is hiding something — and the American people deserve to know what it is.

Governor Romney told me to “put up or shut up” — but he’s the one who’s shut up when people asked legitimate questions about his finances, and it’s up to him to put up his taxes so we can see the answers.

We can’t let Mitt Romney get away with this — not with hiding his taxes, and not with a tax plan that would reach into the pockets of the middle class to help multi-millionaires like himself.

Will you stand with me? Click here to help me tell Mitt Romney we’re not going to shut up until he comes clean — and make a contribution to prove you're not backing down.

It’s well-known that wealthy individuals like Mitt Romney have all sorts of creative tricks to dodge taxes — offshore accounts, hidden loopholes, questionable deductions, and the like.

And it’s clear that the Romney campaign knows they have something to hide. After Governor Romney promised to tell the nation whether he’d ever paid a lower tax rate than the 13.9% he paid in the one year of taxes he partially released, his campaign quickly walked it back.

So instead of attacking me for raising questions, Governor Romney needs to start answering them. And if he thinks I’m about to back down, he’s got another thing coming.

Mitt Romney is waiting for us to apologize and stop asking questions. Click here to help build our strength and show him that’s not going to happen.

In the end, Mitt Romney could end all the controversy by releasing his taxes. He can tell us exactly what shady tricks he’s used to avoid paying his fair share, or he can prove that he had nothing to hide all along.

What he can’t do — what I won’t let him do — is keep hiding. He’s running for President, for Pete’s sake. And it’s up to us to make Mitt Romney come clean with the American people.

Click here to take a stand with me.

Thanks for proving that Democrats aren’t about to back down on this.
