Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Can You Afford to Vote Republican?

Many Americans are asking the most important question of their political lives this year; can you afford to vote Republican? Most are finding a simple answer and that is no. Past the mess in Iraq with billions and maybe more than a trillion dollars poured into that country, it is engulfed in a Civil War with no end in sight. Most Iraq output and production figures such as oil production, schooling open, jobs available, public utility service, and security is at an all time worst. The American job creation is at an all time low. Many American are seeing loss of real opportunities for their children and grand children because of cuts in funding and movement of American jobs overseas. For most of Americans the Living Wage and earning power is at an all time low. American Constitutional Freedoms seem under attack at every turn. The alarming price of energy is causing personal budget cuts and the cost of goods and services to increase rapidly. The American Budget Deficit is over eight trillion and headed to ten trillion dollars causing heavy borrowing and passing incredible debt on to future generations. Americans look at the disaster in New Orleans and see an America unprepared for the present, much less the future.

Every one knows that that the American Dream seems headed toward the American Nightmare. We seem beset with disasters all around and the lack of leadership, the stories of massive fraud in Iraq, massive fraud in the Gulf Coast, government employees making disastrous mistakes and lacking the qualifications to even hold the job in the first place. Government employees coming straight from an employer and making no bid decisions in favor of that employer and then not investigating billions of dollars in missing money because of lack of oversight. Policy decisions are constantly based on favoritism toward the big corporations and against the American public. We are losing respect and cooperation from our Allies abroad. We are forfeiting our claim and our heritage to the title of the Land of Opportunity and Freedom.

We are losing the culture that our Forefathers lived and died to create, not in merely the words, but the deeds. Republicans like to say to America that we have a choice and we do. Just like every other time anyone else in American history has failed the country, the people of America, the future generations of Americans have to say no. Enough is enough. It is time to say had enough, vote Democrat. America and your future deserve nothing less. Vote for your future, vote a straight Democratic ticket this fall and vote for America. Remember the future you save will be you own. Democrats are committed toward the Quality of Life and the American Dream, this now more than ever. Vote not for failure but for an America with shared prosperity and the American Dream for all.

-Thomas P Love

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