Saturday, October 27, 2007

For the Children: America Needs Better-insured Children Not Less

President Bush has vetoed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program—a program that provides health insurance for millions of kids. How can you possible ignore America's children needs for this callous and ridiculous logic? There is no excuse to veto the SCHIP Insurance bill in the shameful name of fiscal responsibility.
There has been no responsibility in this Administration for any thing remotely resembling fiscal responsibility. To grandstand and veto $7 Billion American children’s health bill while requesting $192 Billion for a ill advised and quagmire of a war in Iraq borders on criminal neglect of American's own children. Congress must override Bush’s veto and stand up for children who otherwise won’t have health care.
According to recent polls, 86 percent of the American people support reauthorizing SCHIP; with seven in ten saying they support the Democratic plan to expand SCHIP by $35 billion over five years. They understand what George Bush obviously does not, that they need real representation in Washington that reflects America's needs, and not the I've got mine, and now you go get yours ideology. They certainly do not need the total rubber-stamping for lobbyists that represents big Pharmacy and Big Defense Contractors interests over the American Public. Wouldn’t you rather have healthy American kids, or would you rather play kick the children with George Bush as President and Commander in Chief?

Thomas P Love

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