Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pre-emptive War

The other day, Bush launched a new public relations effort on Iran to counter his record-low poll numbers. As part of the PR campaign, he is once again asserting his doctrine of the "pre-emptive war " as he used to justify the Iraq War. Join us now for a few looks at other pre-emptive wars or someone else’s invasion based on one’s point of view.

1941: Japan launches a pre-emptive war on the US over our efforts to rebuild our defenses following the Great Depression and our condemnation of Japanese attacks on China (a pre-emptive war started much earlier). Enhanced by our reluctance to sell Japan needed resources.

1917: Germany launches submarine attacks on the US over US aid to the Allies and rumors of American involvement in WWI.

1812:England launches an attack on the US over regaining lost territory from the Revolutionary War and rumors of spreading the revolt to Canada.

Most Americans did not view these pre-emptive strikes as good news and some might have even questioned the veracity of the threat posed. Certainly there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, so can pre-emptive wars based on unsound judgment ever be justified? I say no.

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