Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Tale of Two Bridges

The Republican mess in Iraq with its spiraling costs amid the backdrop of civil war, massive incompetence, fraud, and outright thievery can best described as the Bridge to Nowhere. It provides a stark contrast to the Democratic concept of a Bridge to the 21st Century of just several short years ago. We have spent hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq and now we have a complete mess with no end in sight. How many more Americans must be wounded or die to construct this bridge to nowhere?

Now American bridges show massive deterioration from downright negligence. According to a recent study 50% of American Bridges are deteriorating structurally and several are in danger of collapsing. The Republicans say we can't leave Iraq, but they have voted to neglect America itself and leave our country where it is dangerous her to even drive over a bridge going to and from work. Now is the time to choose the right bridge for America’s future.

Which bridge would you have your family cross, a bridge to nowhere or a bridge to a stronger foundation for America?


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