Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm Proud To Be A Democrat

I'm proud to be a Democrat
Where at last I know I'm free,
And I would never leave anyone behind
Who fought or died for me.

I'll always stand up what I believe
And those who gave that right to me.
Because I'll love this land for all eternity.
Thank you! Thomas Jefferson and the symbol of Liberty.

I'm just a working man.
I've worked hard all my life,
I've paid my dues with sweat and by my hand
For my children and my wife.

I've tried to save and protect my family through all strife
I've paid my taxes and my bills.
And I'll tell you here today.
I love this USA.

All across this country I see the awakening,
From Iowa to Ohio and Pennsylvania.
It's happening.
And from New York across Louisiana to California ,

From Massachusetts to North Carolina.
It's gathering.
From Maine to Vermont and New Hampshire
There is now pride and hope building in America.
The best is yet to come.

So, it's time to say.
I'm proud to be a Democrat
Where at last I know I'm free,
And I would never leave anyone behind
Who fought or died for me.

I'll always stand up what I believe
And those who gave that right to me.
Because I'll love this land for all eternity.
Thank you!
Thomas Jefferson and the symbol of Liberty.

Thomas P Love

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