Sunday, October 28, 2007

NeoCons and The Greed Creed

Different eras in American history have been identified as the New Deal, The New Frontier, The Great Society, and The Jazz Age; this Republican era of Neo Conservative America is best called The Greed Creed. Their current attitude is what’s in it for me, not what can I do to help Americans. Unlike what John Kennedy said over 40 years ago, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Now the Republicans say it is not my problem, what is in it for me, and I have got mine, now you go get yours. The result has been a Culture of Corruption, a Crisis of Competence, and a Climate of Cronyism.

Where is the debate between Americans over our future direction? Where is the debate between what we want our country to be and what we want our state to become? How is our government representative and what is in fact going on there instead? Do we really want to make our American society and government work? Are we captives of slogans and concepts of political strategists? Do we hang on to power and the powerful because we can, and ignore promises of term limits? Or do we as Americans want a representative government that recognizes the needs of our people, not just of our corporations? Was George Bush right when he said to a gathering that, “Some call you the haves and the have mores, I call you my base?” In essence is We The People a slogan or a promise to us and future generations from our forefathers that our government serves the people by checks and balances and rules of rights and laws.

Recently, the Economic Policy Institute in Washington reported that the average CEO in America now earns nearly $11 million dollars a year, more in a single day than the average American worker earns in a year. All Americans are clearly not the tool of the rich and powerful, but it would appear that they are voting that way. Who will represent the hardworking men and women of America who have to feed, educate, clothe, and raise their children in times of outsourcing American jobs and $3 dollars a gallon gasoline? Is that not a question worthy of respect and debate?

- Thomas P Love


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